Hello everyone!!
Well this week there is quite a bit of vaovao(news) here on the south side of the world. We have been working really hard the last two weeks to find some new investigators and then this week our main goal was to try to help some of them start progressing. So we have been working hard to help them be mazoto(diligent). We are pretty hopeful with a few of the families we have found.
On saturday night we are in a lesson and our phone starts ringing. Elder Monsen hands it to me and whispers, "Hey! It's President!" It's not everyday that President Foote calls and I couldn't just hang up on him, so I stepped out of the house to take the call. "Hello President. How are you?"
"I'm doing fine Elder Glazier, how are you?"
"Would you be willing to accept that assignment Elder Glazier?"
"Well president, that sounds like a lot of resposibility, but I'll accept it if you ask me to do it."
"Perfect. Thanks Elder Glazier, I have a lot of trust in you. Have a great night."
So... yeah. Elder Glazier is getting transferred to Tamatave which is about 9 hours north-east of Tana (where I am now). It is what we call a beach province and is supposedly REALLY hot and REALLY humid. I'm way excited. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm really excited and I know that God will provide a way for me to accomplish what He expects of me. 1Nephi 3:7.
That's all of the vaovao this week. But have a great week everyone! I'll try to take some pictures of me and Elder Monsen and of me with my new trainee. Have a great week everyone! Love you all!
Love, Elder Glazier